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Enver Petrovci, del nga "VIP Shpija"

Megjithate ne fund, aktori i mirenjohur shqiptar Enver Petrovci, ka vendosur te braktise shtepine e VIP-ave, transmeton Telegrafi.

Eshte mesuar se kjo ka ndodhe per arsye personale, ndersa drejtuesit e spektaklit nuk kane dhene me shume detaje lidhur me kete.

Ndoshta tani jashte shtepise, aktori mund t'ju pergjigjet akuzave te marra ne lidhje me intervisten e dhene per Telegrafin e Beogradit.

Nuk dime nese ai ka marre ndonje informate nga jashte per kete dhe kjo ka ndikuar ne vendimin e tij te braktise spektaklin per t'i sqaruar gjerat jashte shtepise.

[[ translation by google:
However, in the end, well-known actor Albanian Enver Petrovci, has decided to abandon the house of VIP, reports Telegraph.

It is learned that this has been happening for personal reasons, and show executives have not given more details on this.

Maybe now outside the home, the actor can respond to charges taken in connection with an interview given to telegraphy Belgrade.

I do not know if he has received any information from outside for this and it has affected his decision to abandon a spectacle to clarify things outdoors.